富士通株式会社 ERPソリューション事業本部 戦略企画統括部 朱 多慧さん
立教卒業生のWork & Life
観光学部を卒業し、富士通株式会社で働く朱 多慧さんのメッセージです。
English Version
What are your current responsibilities at FUJITSU LIMITED?
Mainly I do sales and promotion of software products aimed at global corporations.
From what source did you get information about job opportunities?
I learned about this career opportunity by networking with my classmates. I also got tips from senior students and alumni about the job hunting process. The Career Center at Rikkyo University provides a wide range of programs that help with each stage of the job hunting process. And, there are programs specifically aimed at international students, which is a good idea to take advantage of.
Do you feel that your studies at Rikkyo University prepared you for your career?
Absolutely. I learned skills in business planning and business proposals at a venture business seminar during school. Those skills have really come in handy. The English skills I cultivated in university language classes and on international exchange have also given me an advantage when doing business with foreign corporations.
What are your dreams for the future?
By improving my language and business planning skills, I want to help my company expand to even more countries around the world.
What is your advice to students thinking about an international exchange?
There is a large number of international students at Rikkyo University, so you can really enjoy a multicultural experience. Mixing with people from other countries is a great way to improve your communication skills, which is valuable once you join the working world.
Mainly I do sales and promotion of software products aimed at global corporations.
From what source did you get information about job opportunities?
I learned about this career opportunity by networking with my classmates. I also got tips from senior students and alumni about the job hunting process. The Career Center at Rikkyo University provides a wide range of programs that help with each stage of the job hunting process. And, there are programs specifically aimed at international students, which is a good idea to take advantage of.
Do you feel that your studies at Rikkyo University prepared you for your career?
Absolutely. I learned skills in business planning and business proposals at a venture business seminar during school. Those skills have really come in handy. The English skills I cultivated in university language classes and on international exchange have also given me an advantage when doing business with foreign corporations.
What are your dreams for the future?
By improving my language and business planning skills, I want to help my company expand to even more countries around the world.
What is your advice to students thinking about an international exchange?
There is a large number of international students at Rikkyo University, so you can really enjoy a multicultural experience. Mixing with people from other countries is a great way to improve your communication skills, which is valuable once you join the working world.
立教卒業生のWork & Life
映画監督?脚本家 鶴岡 慧子さん
朱 多慧さん (Dahae Joo)
ERPソリューション事業本部 戦略企画統括部
Fujitsu Limited
Strategy Planning Division
ERP Solution Business Unit
Graduated from College of Tourism in 2007